Cremona Coin Piano, Style G
Location: Bale of Hay Saloon
Manufacture Date: 1909
Song Title: Ill See You In My Dreams
[audio mp3="https://www.virginiacitymusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ill_see_you_in_my_dreams.mp3"][/audio]
Made by the Marquette Piano Co., Chicago, IL; dated 1-8-1914 on the upper side of the left side. Contains piano, mandolin attachment flute pipes, playing from 10-tune style A music rolls. Has original pale green "Prairie School" style art glass. J.P. Seeburg, an employee of the Marquette Piano Co. prior to opening his own company in 1909, studied design at Chicago's Art Institute and pioneered the use of art glass in coin pianos in America