Wurlitzer Band Organ, Style 150 Obnoxious Horn
Manufacture Date: Circa 1920
Who doesn’t love something that they can call completely obnoxious, well if that is how you feel then this horn is for you. The Wurlitzer Band Organ has earned the reputation of the "famous and obnoxious horn machine" of the Bale of Hay Saloon and was somewhat symbolic of the beloved "funky" atmosphere of not only the Bale but other aspects of Virginia City as a whole. It was moved to Nevada City in the mid-1970s after Bale patrons threatened to silence it, but its loyal following continued to seek it out. No visit to Virginia City is considered complete without viewing Club Foot George's clubfoot in the Thompson Hickman Museum and experiencing the musical abilities of the Horn Machine. It was originated by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., North Tonawanda, NY; shipped in September 1920, where several hundred were made, but only a few dozen remain today. The 150 was a very popular style of Wurlitzer band organ circa 1912, the early 1920s, used mainly in carousels and roller skating rinks, blasting away at "Red Sails in the Sunset" and "Boots and Saddles," slightly out of tune.